Modded Damage Calculator

This is a calculator for the default damage reduction formulae in Apothic Attributes/Zenith Attributes. Vanilla damage output provided for reference/comparison. If you want to use a different formula, modify the JS in this webpage. Negative numbers are allowed for fun, but obviously produce inaccurate results.


? Measured in half-hearts. The Player has 20 health by default.
? Only difference as far as the calculator is concerned is whether or not armor is ignored.
? (Modded) Flat reduction to armor value
? (Modded) Reduction of armor value by percent. Resisted by Toughness. 1 = 100% armor shred.
? (Modded) Flat reduction to protection value
? (Modded) Reduction of protection by percent. 1 = 100% protection shred.


? An internal "protection value", calculated as 1 point per level of Protection, or 2 points per level of Projectile/Blast protection. The calculator does not discern between types of protections; specific protections are only relevant in those situations.

Modded Damage


Vanilla Damage
