In My Mid-Twenties Era

Yesterday was my 24th birthday. I had a great day, thanks in part to my wonderful girlfriend.

We had a fantastic lunch at my now-favorite restaurant, and after we played on the Minecraft modpack I made for her over the course of the better part of this year. She has been encouraging me to create a public version of it, and I have been developing that, with the caveat that it won’t truly be public (since it unashamedly uses other people’s assets, and I’m not going to just steal them). At most, I will host a private server of it. We have found many bugs while playing (in fact, just today I fixed an issue with one of my mods’ items that kicks players), so I’m glad I have the opportunity to iron those out before others play.

Is this really what I do with my time? Code, playtest, code, playtest? I’m 24. I work Uber(Eats) when I need money, and I start college back up next week. But I have this strange feeling (that comes with most birthdays) that it’s not enough. That I should already be advancing my career. It’s a feeling I’ve experienced enough to know better than to dwell to long on it. But it’s still… there.

Cool thing: if you’re playing Minecraft and you have the Quark mod installed, the game will tell you when it’s my birthday. I had a few people tell me Happy Birthday after they saw this <3