
Hi. I figured I would make an introductory post, mostly aimed at people that already know me, since the about page is just kind of static and presumes you’ve never met me before.

It’s probably a bit jarring how I’ve just up and changed everything about my internet presence. Suddenly I have two usernames and a blog? Don’t worry, though. Nothing about me is really different. I’m making a handful of lifestyle changes (as detailed in the Patch Notes) but most of it shouldn’t effect my day-to-day interactions with you on the internet. The only big difference is that I am asking everyone who interacts with me to refer to me with some variation of the alias Partonetrain (“Train”, “Partone”, “Party”, just “Part” are all fine) for privacy’s sake.

To everyone: Just so we’re clear – I am going to be, well, verbose and pretentious on my blog here, but I don’t want to give the wrong impression. I am an argumentative person, but I think I have learned to be able to read the room pretty well, both in real life and online. While this website allows me to be myself, I’m just not really like the writing style in my posts. I put a lot of thought and time into every post and that’s just not how casual conversations work on an everyday basis.

To my Smash friends: you probably know me as either the local 0-2er or a staff member of our Smash-focused Discord server. Or both. You have probably seen the name “Partonetrain” somewhere, in association with me, likely on Discord or Twitch. That’s the name I use on the wider internet. My Smash tag Train comes from that. You can google that name and see what I’ve been up to lately under this name (but don’t scroll too far, you will get forum posts from a decade ago). It’s nothing big – just a couple of small Minecraft mods. Everything I’ve made is already out there and I don’t have much to say on it. You can ask me about it if you want.

Also, like, I know my about page says I am “kinda good” at Smash, but don’t take that the wrong way. I wrote that with the perspective of people who don’t avidly play Smash would read it. I don’t have any results to build an ego out of anyway. I know I have potential, though, so I’ll leave it as “I don’t have any proof yet“.

To my modding friends: you probably know me as the one that hosted Jackbox game nights every week. Maybe I will come back to those on a biweekly basis or something, I don’t know yet. You are more than likely aware I play Smash avidly. That’s really most of what I do under the other name TX_Train.

I avoided mentioning this as Partonetrain til now but it’s too much of a pain to hide. I am aware that several of you live in the same area as me. I’m not gonna be weird about it. I’m not really interested in meeting any of you in real life (no offense!). Maybe if we both happen to be going to a convention or something, somewhere down the line, we can say hi.

To people I know/knew In Real Life: you probably know me by my long, lustrous hair. If you met me in high school, well, I have changed a lot since those days. You are welcome to contact me and see what I am up to, but to be totally honest I’m not sure if we will vibe anymore.

If you are reading this as someone who met me through work or (recent) school, then hello, you can see I am significantly better at typing then I am at speaking. You are welcome to ask me about any of my endeavors on the internet, but as you can probably tell I avoid talking about them in real life. It would be better to digitally message me about it.

To other internet friends: hey, it’s probably been a while since we talked, but I’m doing doing pretty well. I have a blog now, as you can see. I am always down to chat, so if you want to catch up you are welcome to contact me.

Yeah. So. I hope all of this (the website, the two accounts, the general style in which I type) isn’t too off-putting. Again, nothing’s really changed. I’m just allowing myself to be myself with all of this instead of putting up arbitrary walls between Partonetrain and TX_Train and being limited by Twitter’s character limit. That’s mostly it. Thanks for reading.