Dream Diary #1

I’ve been having really vivid and memorable dreams lately for whatever reason. It feels special/notable that I’ve remembered both of my dreams for the last 2 nights so I’m writing them down here. I’ve titled this post “#1” in case I do keep dreaming vividly…

1: Editing my Genes

What I remember of this one is short, but probably indicative of something. There’s software for editing save data for the Pokémon games called PKHeX – it allows you to edit all things about an individual Pokémon, and in this dream I managed to use that software to edit myself. In the games, Pokémon have hidden Individual Values, which is the equivalent to genes, which determine their strongest and weakest stats. In my dream, I was editing my own Individual Values, with the end goal of making my appearance more androgynous.

Weird dream. I don’t remember what happened after that or if I succeeded in doing so, I just remember seeing and editing my own data in the interface of the program.

2: An Argument about Code

In this dream, I was in a house that me, my dad, and my brother lived in a long time ago for some reason. My dad and I were in the living room, and my dad was sitting in the loveseat. I was standing up and arguing with him. We weren’t yelling at each other or anything, but it was an argument about technology. My dad was insisting that digital images on computers consisted of “code”. His proof of this was that he had opened a digital image on a text editor by accident and it showed random symbols that he couldn’t understand, like this:

He was trying to say that making a digital image counts as “coding” because it was writing something that most people couldn’t understand. I had to explain that what he was seeing in the text editor isn’t code per se, it’s encoded information. He asked “what information?”. I said “information about the colors and location of colors in the image”. He couldn’t understand what I was trying to explain and kept insisting that he was a coder because he could edit a digital image.

I went on to explain that “code” usually refers to something that is to be executed, not information that is stored, and that the text he was seeing in the text editor was just the information in the image file being interpreted as text. But he still insisted it was code, and when he opened that image in an image editor, that the “code” in the image file was being executed.

Neither of these are long dreams, but they are both dreams I remember vividly many hours after they occurred, which is unusual for me. I usually don’t remember anything about my dreams.