
I’m not good at the game yet.

The word “yet” is doing a lot of work here. It’s an important distinction from the rest of this sentence. It’s exemplary of how I feel about Smash right now.

I’ve been going to multiple weekly tournaments, and I’ve recognized how difficult the game actually is, and how much more work I need to put in. I’ve improved, but so has everyone else.

I have 23 days until my first major tournament, Low Tide City. Hundreds and hundreds of very strong players are coming from all around to participate, so I don’t expect anything results-wise, but I know I will be disappointed if I go 0 and 2.

For that reason, I will put in the work for every single one of these next 23 days. I am going to sit in training mode for hours practicing one specific thing per day. I’m going to continue going to the weeklies and trying my hardest. I’m going to get better at the game.

Because this is the only thing I actually give a shit about.